Dancing to the feel of the drum 隨著鼓聲起舞

Leave this world behind 把世界拋在腦後

We'll have a drink and toast to ourselves

Under a violet moon 在紫羅蘭色月光下

Tudor rose with her hair in curls 她的捲髮上有朵玫瑰

Will make you turn and stare 吸引你轉頭凝視

Try to steal a kiss at the bridge 想在橋上偷吻一下

Under a violet moon 在紫羅蘭色的月光下


Raise your hats and your glasses too

We will dance the whole night through 讓我們徹夜狂舞

We're going back to a time we knew 我們又回到了往日時光

Under a violet moon 在紫羅蘭色月光下


Cheers to the knights and days of old

The beggars and the thieves living in an enchanted wood

Under a violet moon 在紫羅蘭色的月光下

Fortuneteller, what do you see 算命師,你看見了什麼

Future in a card 在紙牌裡面出現的未來

Share your secrets, tell them to me

Under a violet moon 在紫羅蘭色的月光下


Close your eyes 閉上雙眼

And lose yourself in a medieval mood 迷失在中古世紀的氛圍裡

Taste the treasures and sing the tunes

Under a violet moon 在紫羅蘭色的月光下

Tis my delight on a shiny night 這燦爛的夜晚中充滿喜悅

The seasons of a year 這是一年中的豐收季節

To keep the lanterns burning bright 讓燈籠燃燒,大放光明

Under a violet moon 在紫羅蘭色的月光下





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