Words get in the way(欲言又止)Miami Sound Machine
I realize you're seeing someone new 我知道你正在和新的女孩交往 But I don't believe she knows you like I do 但我不認為她像我一樣了解你 You temperamental moody side 你那捉摸不定情緒化的一面 The one you always try to hide from me 總是試圖隱藏起來不讓我看到
But I know when you've got something on your mind 但我總能察覺到你的心事 You've been trying to tell me for the longest time 你試了好長一段時間打算告訴我 But before you break my heart in two 然而在你令我心碎之前 There's something I've been trying to say to you 我一直有些事情想對你說

But the words get in the way 但這些話讓我欲言又止 There's so much I want to say 因為我有太多話想要說 But it's locked deep inside 但這些話都深藏心底 And if you look in my eyes 如果你看著我的雙眼 We might fall in love again 我們可能再次陷入情網 I won't even start to cry before we say goodbye 在我們道別前,我甚至不會開始哭泣 I'm trying to say I "love you" 我試著告訴你「我愛你」 But the words get in the way 但這些話讓我欲言又止
Your heart has always been an open door 你的心裡總是藏不住秘密 But baby, I don't even know you anymore 但親愛的,我卻再也認不得你了 And despite the fact it's hurting me 雖然真相令我心痛 I know the time has come to set you free 我明白該是放你自由的時候了
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